Student Voices
The following personal statements by students of previous FUBiS terms might help to create a sense of the program’s atmosphere. We hope that the impressions and experiences of FUBiS alumni will help you decide to attend the FUBiS program.
FUBiS waives the program fee for returning alumi. For more information please click here.
Statements Summer 2007
Colm Macqueen, Scotland, UK: "Nach vier Monaten harten Studiums und noch härterem Feiern bin ich völlig erschöpft, aber erfreut, dass ich so fantastische Erfahrungen gemacht habe und viele Freunde aus aller Welt kennengelernt habe. Zweifellos habe ich meine Deutschkenntnisse vergrößert und mein Selbstbewusstsein gestärkt, wenn es um die Deutsche Sprache (insbesondere Wirtschaftsdeutsch) geht. Die kulturellen Exkursionen werde ich allerdings nicht so bald vergessen. Jetzt bin ich nur traurig, dass wir uns alle verabschieden müssen. Ich danke dem FUBiS-Team für die Freundlichkeit und Bereitschaft alles zu tun, damit wir viel Spaß haben!" |
Kseniya Shelkowskaya, USA: "Every life experience is only what you made out of the opportunities you were given. FUBiS gave us a solid foundation, a home base, something to rely on while adjusting to a new country and culture. Although we had somewhat of a rigid studying schedule, there were enough opportunities and time to explore the city and the people. It was an excellent idea to immense FUBiS students in real German academic world and student life. It was a perfect combination of learning directly from the people, as well as from a wonderful instructor (Janka Pankus)." |
Nicolas Price, USA: What an experience to live in another country and attend school. I would suggest this program to everyone looking to grow. I have learned so much in my short time here, through class lectures and the walking tours to actually see what was lectured on. I wish all schools could be such as this. Thank you FUBiS team!" |
Colin Smith, United Kingdom: "Before I came to FUBiS, I was very nervous, but when I arrived it all change. The course was really helpful and the city itself is amazing. No matter your interests, Berlin has something for you. It’s an experience. I will always remember and I’ve also made some very good friends from all over the world." |
Aleksander Rzepecki, Poland: "OK, so that was what I call "Fun and Learning"! I guess Berlin and the Freie Universität are breaking the german stereotypes – in a positive sense of cause. [...] Thanks for everything!" |
Laura Battle, Spain: "FUBiS is a good program for experiences. I am now much stronger of myself. Because there are so many Englishspeaking people I have also improved my English skills. The FUBiS Staff was always well prepared." |
Aurila Garcia Schaible, Spain: "FUBiS gave me an idea of German culture and I have learned a lot of the second world war. The excursions were great and the course had a high quality, especially the discussions. I would recommend it to other people!" |
Byeong Chang, Toronto, Canada: "I came to Berlin with low expectations and knew no german. After one month, Berlin and FUBiS offered me one of the best months of my life. I learned a lot, met hundreds of people and now understand the country that Beethoven and Hegel once called home. Thanks for the memories and Tschüß." |
Statements Winter 2007
Jeanetta Lambert, Namibia: "Die FUBiS im Winter" hat mir super gefallen und das FUBiS-im-Winter-Team war sehr nett und freundlich. Ich hab mich immer gefreut wenn ich jeden Morgen dahin gehen konnte um Guten Morgen zu sagen. Am Besten hat mir die Exkursion zum Stasi-Gefängnis gefallen. Ich werde die FUBiS im Winter auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen!" |
Camilo Bonilla, Kolumbien: "FUBiS im Winter was completely wonderful!! It was one of the best experiences in my live, I met a lot of people, different cultures and languages as well as different points of view! Regarding the classes, they were awesome! I took the European Studies course, and for me it was great! It really helped me to understand a lot of things! And regarding my visit to Berlin, well I can say that Berlin is a magical city, full of history everywhere you go!!! I really want to come back!!" |
Omar Guzmán, Mexico: "Oh, I liked FUBiS a lot. There were so many things I liked best… I liked the excursions with our professor: the embassy, the foreign office… The excursions organized by the FUBiS team were also great. I liked Dresden best - the weather! We had so much snow. For me as a Mexican I am used to the heat, but I prefer the snow!" |
Sarah Pentney, New Zealand: "I loved FUBiS! But it should be longer, that’s the only complaint I have. Staying with my hostfamily and experiencing living in Germany was great…!" |
Manuel Garcia, Mexico: "I liked everything about the FUBiS program and Germany… my class in German, my film course, the excursions, the parties, the staff… all… FUBiS!" |
Viviane Braun, Brazil: "Es hat mir sehr, sehr gut gefallen, alles war sehr perfekt, sehr ehrlich, das Wetter war gut, die Organisation des Programmes war toll! Es war wirklich eine gute Gelegenheit für uns. Das Team war immer besorgt um uns und das ist sehr gut weil sie immer wissen wollten ob alles in Ordnung ist. Es ist wie viele Mütter zu haben. Auch in den Kursen habe ich sehr viel gelernt. Durch meine kompetente Lehrerin habe ich mich sehr entwickelt, sie ist sehr nett, sehr dynamisch. Sie gab uns diese Motivation immer noch mehr zu lernen." |
Marcos Guntin, Argentina: "Mir hat es sehr, sehr gut gefallen. Es ist schwer zu sagen, was mir am Besten gefallen hat..... die Stadt im Allgemeinen, die Leute die ich hier kennengelernt habe… aus verschiedenen Ländern. Berlin ist eigentlich eine Traumstadt. Ich war wirklich sehr erstaunt." |
Celina Bertoni, Argentina: "Mir hat die FUBiS sehr gut gefallen! Am Besten waren die Studenten und die ganzen Leute hier. Es war wunderbar und ich werde die FUBiS auf jeden Fall wieter empfehlen!" |
Aase Refsnes, Norway: "I liked FUBiS very much and I learned German, that was the point of it… so I’m very happy! Living in Berlin was a great experience! Especially for Scandinavian people I would recommend to go here in summer because of the warmth. For exchange students the cultural meaning is very cool." |
Alejandro Burga, Chile:
James Dedrick, Australia: " Das FUBiS-Programm ist wirklich sehr gut!" |
You are also a FUBiS Alumni? You also want to share your experience with others?
Then please contact us at fubis[at]!