Nikolaus Euba

Freie Universität Berlin
International Summer and Winter University
German Language Coordinator
Nikolaus Euba is a Senior Lecturer in German and Director of the Language Program at the University of California, Berkeley, where he teaches language courses at all levels and seminars on teaching methodology. His research interests focus on integrating (literary) texts into foreign language learning and teaching, a topic around which he frequently develops and gives professional workshops and presentations. He is co-author of the textbooks Welten: Beginning German and Stationen: Ein Kursbuch für die Mittelstufe (with Prisca Augustin, Cengage Publishing) and of Literatur Lesen Lernen: Lesewerkstatt 2 (with Chantelle Warner, Klett Verlag). As a language consultant, he is working with the Defense Language Institute (DLI) and the National Evaluation Series (NES), and serves as Senior Reviewer for the College Board's AP German program. In 2013, he was selected as Outstanding German Educator (Post-Secondary) by the American Association of teachers of German, an award presented in recognition of excellence in teaching and outstanding contributions to the German teaching profession; other honors include the Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award (2001) and the UC Berkeley Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs (2007). He has been teaching German language courses at FUBiS since 2006 and coordinating the FUBiS German language program since 2010.
- 1994
Magister Artium (M.A.): Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Deutsch als Fremdsprache, American Studies, German Linguistics
Thesis: "Intercultural Misunderstandings between Germans and Americans"
(Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Krusche / Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller)
- AATG Outstanding Post-Secondary German Educator (2013)
- UC Berkeley Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Graduate Student Instructors (2007)
- University of South Carolina Mortar Board Award for Excellence in Teaching (2003)
- “Best of South Carolina” Speaker Award for presentation at SCOLT Conference (2003)
- Miami University Star Award for Excellence in Serving the Student Community (1998)
- since 2003
Language Program Director and Lecturer in German, University of California, Berkeley
Teaching language and foreign language methodology courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. Directing German Language Program with ten different multi-section courses at five levels; responsible for all administrative aspects including curriculum development and implementation, placement testing, advising, and training and supervision of Graduate Student Instructors. Certified ACTFL OP tester, Director of national DAAD-sponsored methodology workshops for Teaching Assistants and Junior Faculty.
- since 2010
Language Program Coordinator
FUBiS Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University
Coordinate over twenty German language courses at six different levels including placement procedures and testing materials development; supervise and train over twenty lecturers; cooperate in curriculum development and revision.
- since 2004
College Board Advanced Placement Program
Part of leadership team at the annual German AP Reading; collaborate on developing and improving grading rubrics, train readers in applying rubrics, oversee readers in grading exams, monitor consistency and reliability, prepare reports and publications. Audit High School syllabi to be approved for AP certification.
- 2005 - 2008
Director, UC Berkeley German Summer Workshop in Berlin/ Instructor of German
University of California, Berkeley/ FUBiS Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University
- 1999 - 2003
Instructor of German, and Basic Courses Director
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
- 1993 - 1999
Instructor of German, and Director of the German Language Floor
Miami University, Oxford, OH.
- Literarische Lesewerkstatt DaF & DaZ: Literatur Lesen Lernen B1/B2. With Chantelle Warner.
Edited by Renate Riedner and Michael Dobstadt. Stuttgart: Klett, forthcoming. - Welten: Beginning German. With Prisca Augustyn. Boston: Heinle / Cengage, 2016.
- Welten: Workbook for Beginning German. With Prisca Augustyn. Boston: Heinle / Cengage, 2016.
- Stationen: Ein Kursbuch für die Mittelstufe. 3rd Edition. With Prisca Augustyn.
Boston: Heinle / Cengage, 2015. - Stationen: Arbeitsbuch für die Mittelstufe. 3rd Edition. With Prisca Augustyn.
Boston: Heinle / Cengage, 2015. - Contributing Author: Workbook/LabManual, accompanying Fokus Deutsch: Beginning German.
McGraw-Hill, 1999. - Contributing Author: Workbook/LabManual, accompanying Fokus Deutsch: Beginning German 2.
McGraw-Hill, 1999. - Contributing Author: Workbook/LabManual, accompanying Fokus Deutsch: Intermediate German.
McGraw-Hill, 1999.
- “Towards a Multilingual Society? Current Issues in Language(s) Learning and Teaching
in Germany”. Berkeley Language Center Newsletter 23/1 (2008). - “Looking from the Eiffel Tower through the Brandenburg Gate at the Campanile:Claire Kramsch and the Teaching of German at UC Berkeley”. Occasional Papers of the Berkeley Language Center 1/1 (2008).
- “Why Teach and Learn German in 2005? Articulating the Language Program at UC Berkeley”. Berkeley Language Center Newsletter 21/2 (2006).