Dr. Matthias Vollmer

Freie Universität Berlin
International Summer and Winter University
Dr. Matthias Vollmer is an adjunct professor with the Freie Universität Berlin European Studies Program. He studied History of Art, Philosophy, and Orientalism at the Freie Universität Berlin and did his PhD on medieval book illustration. He has regularly taught interdisciplinary seminars on Renaissance art and thought as well as on modern art at the Freie Universität Berlin and since 2008 also at the Summer School of the Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Matthias Vollmer is currently doing research on the various epistemological interrelations between texts, diagrams and images in Medieval and Renaissance encyclopaedias.
Current FUBiS courses:
- Art in Germany from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century (FUBiS Term III 2025)
- 1997 „Ibn Haldun, oder: Die arabische Wissenschaft von der Zivilisation“, in: Zwischen Narretei und Weisheit. Biographische Skizzen und Konturen alter Gelehrsamkeit. Edited by G. Hartung und W.P. Klein, Hildesheim 1997, p.139-158.
- 1995 Article "Sensualismus" in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie Bd. 9 (1995) columns 614-618.
- 1992 Article "Scharia" in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie Bd. 8 (1992) columns 1220-1223.
- 1991 Philosophie und Theologie des Averroes. Translated by J. Müller. With an epilogue by M. Vollmer, Weinheim 1991, p. 143-181.
- 1990 Hermes Trismegistos. Poemander oder von der göttlichen Macht und Weisheit, translated by D. Tiedemann; edited by M. Vollmer. With an introduction by M. Vollmer, Hamburg 1990, p. VII-XXVII.
- 1989 Article "Philosophie, arabische" in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie Bd.7 (1989), columns 881-886.
- 1989 Article "Quintessenz" in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie Bd. 7 (1989) columns 1838-1841.