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Do I have internet access in my accommodation?

Most accommodations offer some kind of internet access; this cannot be guaranteed, though. The Social Hub, The Circus Living, the Jugendgästehaus Lichterfelde, the Boothstr. 17, as well as partially the dorms offer their guests free Wi-Fi, and all FUBiS participants will have access to the computer labs and the Wi-Fi network available on campus. In addition, there are many affordable internet cafés in Berlin as well as cafés that offer free wireless to their customers.

Another solution is to purchase a “surfstick” - a USB-stick-like modem that lets you connect to the internet via cell phone networks. Many cell phone providers have surfstick options, but only some have prepaid options without a minimum contract duration. Also, there are data volume restrictions and the stick itself can be quite expensive (50 € to 70 €), so make sure to go over terms and conditions carefully.